In the Spirit of the Season
Two weeks ago, I reminded you that everyone has their own way to calmness, centered-ness, mindfulness — whatever you like to call that state where you feel like yourself. Today, I reflect on the 2024 growing season. It was my growing season, in a few important ways.
Setting the stage:
In 2023, the Norway Maple in front of my house was cut down. It was very sick; I didn’t realize how sick it was until it was cut down. Once the tree was gone, the front flowerbed went wild in the sun. Unfortunately, there was a bumper crop of Black Swallow Wort mixed in with the plants I chose to grow. Here’s the story of the “to bare earth” rehab of the flowerbed.
The Norway Maple was replaced by a October Glory Maple in December, 2023. When the little tree came to us, it was already leafless for the winter.
Come spring, 2024, I had an empty flowerbed to fill. That was done with (mostly) local pollinator-friendly plants. Some settled in well, some died. Some may not come back next year because of the drought. However, the goal was reached. The Black Swallow Wort is essentially gone. The bees and butterflies had a nice time at my place this summer and fall.
But, I came here to talk about the tree. I am happy to show you “Miss Gloria” the October Glory Maple during her first autumn. Being able to bring attention to her first autumn transition was a bit of mindfulness I could give myself this November. I hope you find yours.