Seeking opinions! Exterior house colors

Question, how do the buyers generally feel about darker color siding? Dark blue or dark green are my top choices. We are looking to do board and batten style fiber cement siding. I know this is our long term home, but I am always thinking about what ifs.
I don’t see a trend one way or the other, except that dark brown was very popular in the 1970s and everyone hates it now.
Do you like dark colored exteriors? Would a dark blue or dark green house turn you off? Remember, this client is looking at a permanent color, not one that he can easily change with the next paint job.
Please comment as follows:
Dark blue or dark green are both fine.
Dark blue is fine; dark green, meh.
Dark blue, meh; dark green is fine.
I HATE dark colored houses.
I LOVE the dark blue.
I LOVE the dark green.
I applaud my happy homeowners who think about resale. There are some things that you might like that your future potential buyers will hate. We see it every time we go house-hunting.