More options for efficiency from Mass Save
When homeowners think about Mass Save, they think about the wall insulation program. (If you haven’t thought about that, you should.) But that’s the topic of another blog entry.
Mass Save also has 0% interest loan programs to improve other aspects of your house’s carbon footprint.
Not only are you able to borrow for insulation, but you can also borrow for these improvements.
- High Efficiency Heating Systems
- Central Air Conditioning/ Air Source Heat Pumps
- Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps
- High Efficiency Domestic Hot Water Systems
- Solar Hot Water Systems
- 7-Day Digital & Wi Fi Thermostats
- ENERGY STAR® Qualified Replacement Windows
These are new! For a limited time only, take advantage of the Expanded HEAT Loan offerings funded by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources:
- High Efficiency Wood Pellet Boilers: These boilers are catching on. They operate central heating systems with a clean fuel, much less expensive fuel. The boilers run like any other boiler, but they save money, use burn American product, and reduce fossil fuel use.
Don’t confuse these with wood pellet stoves. Wood pellet use in wood heating stoves has been around for a while, but it has the disadvantages of any wood stove (they can run out of wood in the middle of the night. The wood has to be gathered or delivered, stored, and loaded into the stove.)
- Deeper Energy Savings: These projects involve improving your energy use even more than the help with insulation that has been available up to now. Examples.
- Grants to Remove Asbestos, Upgrade Knob & Tube Wiring: Some homeowners have been unable to take advantage of Mass Save insulation programs because of safety requirements. These grants help defer the cost of making a house safe to insulate. Mass Save inspects houses for asbestos and knob and tube wiring because it can’t cut into asbestos siding to insulate outside walls and it can’t install blown in insulation to walls with knob and tube wiring. Cut asbestos can be “friable” (airborne) and cause lung cancer; knob and tube can catch fire in insulated walls.