Steam radiators in the twenty-first century
Summer is dawning in New England, so why write about heating systems? Because summer is the time for changing your system!
Baseboard radiators for forced hot water heating systems have been around for a generation or more, but steam radiators remained unchanged. The steam radiator “solution” was covering them. This had mixed results. Many common steam heat radiator covers reduce efficiency.
One of my clients made a study of finding a way to update the old cast iron radiators used for steam systems. You don’t have to go to the radiator refurbishing guy and hunt through the radiator junk yard to get a “new” radiator. There are new designs adapted to work with our old-style steam systems that are being built to suit contemporary taste.
Now that your heat is turned off for the season, it is a good time to clean and maintain your heating system. Vacuuming your baseboard hot water registers, or cleaning you hot air ducts, or repainting your steam or hot water radiators is a late spring or early fall task. While the windows are open, it is time to get to it!